TL;DR (in simple language):
This website has some rules you need to follow if you want to use it. Here's a summary:
Remember, this summary is just to help you understand the main points. For legal purposes, please refer to the full text.
This page presents the terms and conditions that govern your use of this website (referred to as "this Website" or "the website") maintained by Riveen Pehesara Kumanayaka (referred to as the "Owner," "us," or "we"). By accessing this website, you (referred to as "Users") indicate your agreement to comply with these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms, we kindly request that you refrain from using the website and leave immediately.
1. Content and Endorsement
All content on this website is provided "as-is" and does not constitute an endorsement of any political, religious, academic, or personal views. Any beliefs adopted by users are their own. While we strive for accuracy, please note that the content is not curated for academic purposes or citation.
2. Advertisements and Commissions
To support our website, we display advertisements from certain brands and organizations. These advertisements may include hyperlinks to their respective websites. Please be aware that your interaction with these links is solely at your discretion. Once you click on these links, our responsibility ends, and you will be subject to the privacy policies and terms of the specific website. Additionally, we may earn a commission through your actions after accessing these links.
3. Hyperlinks to External Sites
We include hyperlinks to external websites for references or copyright attribution purposes. You have the choice to click on these links, but please be aware that we are not responsible for the content of the landing pages.
4. Data Collection and Cookies
We occasionally collect voluntary data and use cookies on this website. Some cookies are essential for the functionality of the website. Your participation in data collection and the use of cookies is entirely voluntary. You can customize which cookies to enable through the provided options. By accessing this website, you agree to take responsibility for your own privacy and hold us harmless for any privacy-related damages incurred while using this website. Please note that the "Do Not Sell My Information" request only applies to data directly collected by us, and we are not responsible for data collection by third parties such as the web host, affiliates, or invited services.
5. Copyright and Usage Permissions
All creative content on this website is copyrighted, with all rights reserved to us. This copyright protection is in accordance with the Copyright Act No. 35 of 2003 of Sri Lanka and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, Article 5 (as amended on 28 September 1979). You are free to download, store, and print any content from the blog for personal use, unless otherwise stated. Content sourced from Wikipedia is protected under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. For content published on other webpages, refer to the respective website's copyright policy. You are allowed to use the content from this blog as long as you provide proper attribution.
In printed or non-responsive content (e.g., printed books, graphics,
In digital publications (e.g., e-books, blogs, social media posts, webpages,
and websites):
6. Website Management and Modification
We reserve the right to create, modify, and remove any content from the blog. We may also restrict access to certain parts of the website. Furthermore, we reserve the right to publish any content on this website. These terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice.
7. Logo Usage
Our website's logo is copyrighted and should not be altered in any way. Third parties must obtain prior written consent from us before using our logo. Please refrain from using our logo in a manner that suggests endorsement of a particular product, service, or a business relationship with us.
8. Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
The content on this website should not be considered a substitute for formal education or a reliable resource. As a manually maintained website, we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information or data published here. By using this website, you agree to release us from any liability, including financial, academic, or psychological losses, arising from your use of the website.
9. Commenting Guidelines
You are welcome to comment on our website within the provided guidelines. However, please refrain from including any links, discriminatory views, age-inappropriate content, illegal views, or advertisements. Constructive criticism is encouraged, but please respect the guidelines. Any attempt to pirate content or remove ownership or attribution traces is strictly prohibited.
10. Release of Liability
By using this website, you agree that we are not responsible for any negative impacts, including damages, losses, injuries, misconceptions, academic impacts, or consequences resulting from your use of this website. You release us from any liability, including financial, academic, or psychological losses incurred while accessing the website. Additionally, you agree to waive any other rights or protections provided by your specific state, government, or organization, except as explicitly provided by us when accessing this website.
11. Disclaimers and Credits
For content-specific disclaimers and credits or assets used on this website, please refer to the dedicated "Credits and Disclaimers" page.
12. Rights Reserved
All rights to the content on this website are reserved.
These terms and conditions govern your use of our website. Please refer to the original text for legal purposes, as the TL;DR version is a reworded and simplified summary for ease of understanding. By continuing to use our website, you indicate your acceptance of these terms and conditions.