Riveen Kumanayaka

"Ye stars! Which are the poetry of heaven." – Lord Byron

Are You Being Stalked?

22 July, 2023

This is a post from our old site. Original post is archived here.

Have you ever stalked someone? I know you have, hopefully on the internet, because that is what I'm writing about today (not stalking).

In today's world, your digital footprint can reveal a lot about you. And depending on what and how much you share, anyone from stalkers to employers and schools can find out a lot about you. Considering the risks involved, we all need proper protection.

Remember your best friend's crush that you 'researched'? The same can happen to you. And after you saw some selfies that guy took with a girl who was 'too close' to him, you had to break the news to your best friends: "They're taken." A similar impact can happen to you too. Having a clean digital footprint can not only create an awesome personal brand, which is useful in personal, academic, and professional lives, but also protect you from potential data breaches.

Let's take an example: our usual guy, John Smith. He posts this on Instagram:

Profile Picture

John Smith Follow

Image 1

John Smith B'day treat for ml @banana_07 at #theReallyExpensivePlace

Now, from this, a stalker can learn about this @banana_07 girl, her birthday, and John's finances. An employer or a school administrator would see that Johnny is a heavy drinker, and that does not look good on him.

This is just an example. But such a post is enough for an employer to decide that John is not the best guy for the job. It is enough for a "stalker" to either choose him for a scam, rob his house, or get ideas to crack his password.

How can you maintain a social media life AND have a clean digital footprint?

  1. Adjust privacy settings: For example, use the Private Mode on Instagram.
  2. Consider delayed posting: Delay posting about holidays, outings, and birthdays so that no one can pinpoint your exact location and activities.
  3. Maintain a Smart-Casual image: On your public platforms, present yourself in a work- or school-friendly manner.

With these steps, you can prevent oversharing, protect your privacy and that of others, and avoid the troubles John got into. You can also present a smarter image on social media.

Until next time, stay safe online!